
Subdecks (6)

Cards (37)

  • Define Tawhid?
    ‘Oneness’ in reference to God. The basic
    Muslim belief in the oneness of God
  • Define the Prophethood or ‘risalah’?
    The term used of the messengers of God,
    beginning with Adam and ending with the
    Prophet Muhammad
  • Define Halal (permitted)?
    Actions or things which are permitted in Islam,
    such as eating permitted foods
  • Define Haram (forbidden)?
    Actions or things which are forbidden in
    Islam, such as eating forbidden foods
  • Define Jihad?
    Means to ‘strive’. There are two forms of
    jihad. The greater jihad is the daily struggle
    and inner spiritual struggle to live as a good
    Muslim. The lesser jihad is a physical struggle
    of ‘holy war’ in defence of Islam
  • What is a Mosque or ‘masjid’?
    A ‘place of prostration’ for Muslims, it is a
    communal place of worship for the Muslim
  • Define Shari’ah (straight path)?
    A way of life; Muslims believe that God has
    set out a clear path for how Muslims should
    live. Shari’ah law is the set of moral and
    religious rules that put the principles set out
    in the Qur’an and the Hadith into practice
  • Define Ummah?
    Means ‘community’. Refers to the worldwide
    community of Muslims who share a common
    religious identity
  • What’s so special
    about Muhammad
    and who was he?
    1. He is the final prophet and a role model for all Muslims
    2. He is the perfect example of an ordinary man
    3. he is a man and not divine Muslims must be careful not to worship him. Instead they should follow his example
  • What is the Al-Qadr:predestination?
    Muslims believe that god has a divine plan and is omniscient. He creates
    and also causes all things. His knowledge is beyond human
  • What is Akhirah: afterlife?
    On the Day of Judgement all will be
    raised from the grave and judged based on their deeds on earth
  • What is Janna (heaven)?
    Janna is a place of happiness and paradise. Once accepted they will
    cross the Bridge of As-Sirat.
  • What is Jahannam (hell)?
    Many see this as a literal place of torment and suffering. The damned
    will face terrible torture and the pain of separation from God with no
    hope of return
  • salah?
    1. Salah (prayer) is the second pillar of Islam and is mentioned 700 times in the Qur’an.
    2. Prayer is one of the most important ways a Muslim can worship God.
    3. Gives them a constant reminder of the importance of submitting to God’s will
  • Wudu?
    which involves cleaning the hands,
    nose, face, arms, head and feet in
    a special order