Anger management

Cards (11)

  • Who is the main researcher? And what does he suggest?
    -Novaco suggest that cognitive favtors tigger the emotional arousla whihc gnerlaly perceds aggresive acts
    -argument is that some people anger is often quick to surface especially in situations that are perceived to be anxiety-inducing of threatening
  • How can behaviourist explain this?
    -becoming angry is reinforced by the individuals feeling of control in situation.
    -A.M programmes are a form of Cbt-the individual is taught how go recognise whne they are losing control and then encouraged to develop techniques which bring our conflict-resolution without the need for violence
  • What are the 3 stages?
    -cognitive preparation
    -skill acquisition
    -application practice
  • What is cognitive preparation?
    -offenders identify and rationale the patterns of emotions which occur before during and after aggression
    -this helps them to understand and predict why and when they are likely to become angry
  • What is skill acquisition?
    -offender learns techniques which can be used to manage their anger and prevent them from spiralling out of control
    -these can include breathing techniques, the use of meditation and positive self talk
    -this is a form of direct learning, where the therapist demonstrates the technique and the offender copies them
  • What is application process?

    -offender applies the skills learnt above to a real life situation which would normally trigger anger e.g during a role play
    -their behaviour, if the techniques are successfully implemented, is then positively reinforced by the therapist
  • What is one research example?
    -effectiveness of such programmes was demonstrated by keen who studies young offenders aged 17-21
    -who found that the majority of prisoners who'd partaken in the national anger management package were able to control their anger to a greater extent and were more aware of such anger, compared to the beginning of the therapy
  • E-Strength-diverse strategy
    -diverse strategy
    -cognitive preparation, behavioural perspective when developing techniques of self management in phase 2
    -multidisciplinary approach acknowledges that offending is complex social and psychological activity
  • E-Limitation-comparison with behaviour modification

    -comparison with behaviour modification
    -A.M tries to tackle one of the cause of offending
    -A.M is more likely than behaviour modification to lead to permanent behavioural change and lower rates do recidivism
  • E-Limitation-limited long term effectiveness

    -limited long term effectiveness
    -Blackburn anger management may have noticeable effect in the short term there is little evidence that it reduces recidism in the long term
    -may depend on the application process which does not represent the real triggers in relation to life
  • E-Limitation-expensive and requires commitment

    -expensive and requires commitment
    -expensive to run as they require the service of highly trained specialist who are used to dealing with violent offenders
    -many prision may not have the resources to fund such programs
    -there is a problem if prisoners are uncooperative and apathetic