spectator behaviour

Cards (4)

  • hooliganism
    a tough, aggressive or violent troublemaker who typically belongs to a gang. Hooliganism in sport is the disorderly, aggressive and often violent behaviour by spectators at sporting events
  • positives of spectator behaviour
    • creates and energetic atmosphere
    • source of revenue
    • creates an advantage for the home team
    • increases the profile of sport
  • negatives of spectator behaviour
    • puts pressure on performers and impacts performance
    • scare younger performers
    • cause crowd trouble and hooliganism
    • managing rowdy crowds is expensive to keep people safe
  • strategies to combat hooliganism
    1. educating spectators through promotional campaigns and encouraging good behaviour
    2. early kick offs reduce alcohol consumption
    3. alcohol restrictions and bans
    4. increased security
    5. travel restrictions and bans
    6. seggregation of fans
    7. all seated stadiums