behaviour modification in custody

Cards (14)

  • What approach is this theory based on? And how do they stop offending?
    Behaviourist approach
    -if all behaviour is learnt then it is possible to encourage the unlearning by applying the same principle
  • What is the aim of behaviour modification?
    Reinforcing obedient behaviour whilst punishing disobedience
  • What type of conditioning is this based on?
    Operant conditioning
    -positive reinforcement increases the likelihood of behaviour
  • How does a token economy work?
    You get a token for desirable behaviour Performed which can later be swapped for a reward
  • How does punishment work in token economy?
    You get punished for performing undesirable behaviour and are withdrawn from privileges
  • How do we change behaviour? (Steps)
    -behaviour is identified
    -behaviour is Broken down unit smaller steps called increments
  • Who oversees token economy programmes?
    -prison staff
  • What research is there to support this and who were they?
    -Hobbs and holt introduced toke economy programme with groups of young delinquents across 3 behaviour units and a 4th one as control
    -and they found that there was a significant differences in positive behaviour compared to the non-token economy group
  • Who later on supported this research?
    -a similar effect was found with offenders in an adult prison (allyon)
  • E-Strength-easy to implement
    -easy to implement
    -cost effective and no special training is required compared to anger management
  • E-Limitation-depends on consistently
    -depends on consistency
    -basset and Blanchard found any benefits were lost after staff applied the techniques inconsistently due to factors such as a lack of appropriate training of staff or high staff turnover
  • E-limitation-little rehabilitation value

    -little rehabilitative value
    -Blackburn argues that's it has little rehabilitative value and that any positive changes in behaviour that occurred in prison can be quickly lost in the outside world
    -because law abiding citizens in the outside are not rewarded of reinforced
  • E-limitation-ethical issues

    -ethical issues
    -terms and conditions of behaviour modification are manipulative and dehumanising
    -for not consenting to sign up for toke economy they will be withdrawn from these privileges
    -and so ethically questionable
  • what are the A03 points
    depends on consistency
    little rehabilitation value
    ethical issues
    easy to impliment