Biological approch- Atavistic form

Cards (14)

  • Who is the main researcher and what was he known for?

    -he was an italian physician
    -known as father of criminology
  • What did Lombrosso suggest about criminals?
    -that criminals were "genetic throwbacks"- a primitive sub species who were biologically different from non criminaks
  • How did Lombrosso see criminals as?
    -he saw criminals lacking evolutionary development
  • How did lombrosso see criminal behaviour as?
    -he saw criminal behaviour as a natural tendency, rooted in the jeopardy of those who engage in it
  • How did lombrosso identify criminal sub types?
    -Lombrosso argued that the criminal sub type could be identified as being in possession of particular physiological "markers" that were linked to particular types of crime
  • What were the common markers of a criminal?
    -narrows sloping brows
    -strong prominent jaw
    -high cheeckbones
    -facial asymetrry
  • What markers did murderers have?
    -bloodshot eyes
    -curly hair
  • What markers did sexual deviants have?
    -glinting eyes
    -swollen fleshy lips
    -projecting ears
  • What markers did fraudsters have?
    -thin and reedy lips
  • What was Lombrosso research

    -examined facial and cranial features of hundreds of itialin convicts, both living and dead
    -examined the skulls of 383 dead animals and 3839 living ones
    -concluded that 40% of criminals acts are comitted by people with atavistic characterisitcs
  • E-Strngth-Contribution to the science of criminology
    -contribution to science of criminology-holin
    -lombrosso is regarded as the father of criminology
    -theory is credited as shifting the emphasis in crime research away from moralistic discolsure towards a more scientifc and credible realm
    -increases validity
  • E-Limitation-critised on sevral grounds

    -criticised on several grounds-goring
    -lack of adequate control as he did not compare his criminal sample with a non-criminal control group
    -reduce validity
  • E-Limitation-Sceintifc racism
    -sceintific racism-delisi
    -many features lombrosso identified as criminal and atavitic such as curly hair and dark skin are most likely to be found in african descent
    -socially senitive implications
  • E-Limitation-causation is an issue
    -causation is an issue
    -if there are criminals who have these features this does not mean this is a cause of offending
    -it may be influenced by other factors such as poverty or poor diet rather than an indication of delayed evolutionary development