Bottom up approach

Cards (20)

  • What is the main aim of bottom up approach?

    aim is to generate a picture of the offender-their likely characteristics, routine behaviour and social background-through the use of systematic anylaysis
  • What type of data does the bottom up appraoch consit of?
    Quantitative data
    -statistical analysis
  • What are the 2 main topic in the bottom up approach?
    -investigative psychology
    -geogrpahical profiling
  • What is the aim of invetigative psychology?
    -in relation to offneding profile, is to establish patterns of behaviour that are likely to occur or co-exits across crime scene
  • What does this then do to help them investigate?
    -develop a statistical database in that acts as a baseline for comparison
    -specific details of the event and suspect are then matched against this (can reveal information such as family background, personal history)
    -also determine if nay other offences are likely to be linked with the suspect
  • What is interperosnal coherence and give an example from a researcher?

    -that the way an offender behaves at the scene, including how they interact with the victim, may reflect their behaviour in everyday situation
    -Dwyer- while some rapists want to maintain maximum control and humiliate their victims, others are apologetic
    -this therefore tells police how the offender relates to women genrally
  • What is a key variable in investigative psychology?
    -significance of time and place
    as it may indicate where the offender is living
  • What is the last thing in investigative psychology?
    -Forensic awareness
    -individuals who have been subject of police intergartion before
    -their behaviour may denote how mindful they are of "covering" their tracks
  • Who came up witht the technique of geographical profiling?
  • What is geogrpahical profiling?
    -uses info to do with the location of a linked crime scene to make inferences about the likely home or operational base of an offender
    -kown as crime mapping
  • What can it be used in conjuction to?
    -can be used in conjuction with psychological theory
    >to create hypothesis about how the offender is thinking as well as their modius operandi
  • What si the assumption of geographical profiling?
    -serial offenders will restrict their "work" to geographical areas they are familiar with
    -and so understanding spatial patterns of behaviours provides investigation with a centre of gravity (whihc is likely to include the offender base), normally in the middle of spatial patterns
  • What does understaning the spatial patterns help investigators do?

    -help them make educated guess about where the offenders are liekly to strike next- jeopardy surface
  • What theory is involved in geogrpahical profiling and who came up with it ?
    -canter and larkin' proposed 2 models of offender behaviour:
    1) marauder-who operates in close proximity to their home base
    2) commuter-who is likely to have travelled a distance away from their usual residence
  • Thus what can it also reveal about the offender?
    -"mental maps, mode of transport, employment status, approximate age
  • E-Strngth-Supoorting evidence for investigative psychology?
    -supporting evidence for investigative psychology
    -canter and hentage did a content analysis of 66 sexual assault cases
    -data was exmained using a statistical technique called smallest space analysis (a program that identified correlations across patterns of behaviour
    -several characteristics were identified such as a lack of reaction to the victims
    -lead to understanding and establishing if the same person committed it
    -supports investigative psychology and uses statistical techniques
  • E-Strength-supporting evidence for geogrpahical profiling

    -supporting evidence for geographical profiling
    -Lundrigan and canter
    -collected info from 120 murder cases involving serial killers in the usa
    -smallest space analysis revealed spatial consistency in the behaviours of the killers
    -the location of each body disposal site was different from the previous creating a centre of gravity
    -the effect was more noticeable for offenders who travelled short ditance (marauders)
    -supports canter claim that spatial information is a key factor in determining offender
  • E-strength-Scientific bias
    -scientific bias
    -canter argument is that the bottom-up approach is more objective and scientific
    -with the aid of AI investigators are able to manipulate geographical, biographical and psychological data quickly to produce insight and results that assist in the investigation
  • E-Strngth-Wider apllication
    -wider application
    -can be applied to wide range of offences
    -techniques such as small space analysis and the principle of spatial consisting can be used in an investigation of crimes such as burglary and theft as well as more serious offences such as murder and rape
  • A03 points
    wider application
    scientific basis
    supporting evidence for geographical basis
    supporting evidence for investigative psychology