
Cards (7)

  • aim
    to establish whether depth perception was innate or required environmental interaction
  • method
    Lab experiment using a repeated measures design
    IV - shallow or deep side of the table.
    DV - Did they crawl or not?
  • Sample
    36 infants aged between 6 and 14 months
    Mothers also participated
    Chicks, turtles, rats lambs, pigs, kittens and dogs
  • procedure
    Visual cliff was a glass table with a checkered board pattern directly below the glass on the shallow end, or on the floor in a deep end
    The baby was put on the centre of the wooden board
    The mother stood at either the shallow end or the deep end and called for the child
  • results
    100% of infants crawled over to their mothers on the shallow side
    11% crawled over the deep side
    Goats would not move over to the deep end, and would seem anxious or stressed
    Rats would use their whiskers to navigate
    Kittens would circle when placed on the deep end
  • conclusions
    Depth perception in children developed at the same time as locomotor abilities
  • AO2
    useful for farmers to know that that perception developed around the same time as locomotion
    Typically farm animals can walk within 24 hours and this shows that they won’t fall from heights
    Those who worked with children can raise awareness of when they might be problems in infants who has not developed depth perception
    Can lead to therapy to develop form constancy