Mirror Neurons

Cards (13)

  • Mirror nerouns?
    neurons that fire in response to seeing someone doing an action. localised in interior frontal gyrus
  • purpose?
    allow human beings to form social networks and to bond with each other. EMPATHY: participants  anterior cingulate cortex and inferior frontal gyrus were activated when observing emotions in other people
  • social cognition?

    deficits in social cognition may be linked to problems in mirror neuron function, investiagted using scanning techniques- certain arear may be rich in mirror neurons include Brodmann's area of the frontal lobe
  • Haker et al (2012)?
    ppts film of others yawning during a MRI scan. when they yawned in response. increased activity in the frontal lobe thought to be rich in mirror neurons
  • Muckamel et al (2010)?

    reported research which showed activity in single neurons( when performing and when observing a task)?
  • Cheung et al?

    showed male and female ppts a moving dot & hand motions during an EEG. female performance greater for the hand actions. This provided support for women greater social sensitivity.
  • Dapretto (2006)?
    autistic children had reduced activity in a part of the inferior frontal lobe ( an area known to be part of the mirror neuron system)
  • Firing?

    both in response to personal actions and action of others.
  • Discovery?
    Rizzolatti- studying electrical activity in monkeys motor cortex. monkeys motor cortex activates same way as when reaching for food as when watching a human reach for food
  • Vilayanur Ramachandran?

    suggested mirror neurons shape human evolution. social interactions require a brain system that facilitate understanding of intention.
  • ASD (Autism spectrum disorder)?
    Ramachandran & Oberman (2006)- broken mirror theory- neurological deficits including dysfunctions in mirror neuron system can prevent child from imitating and understanding social behaviour.
  • social communication?

    problems with mirror neurons systems leads to difficulties in social communication as children fail to develop usual abilities to read intentions and emotions in others
  • Binkofsi et al (2000)?

    brain imaging techniques, found evidence of motor neurons in Brocas area. involved in speech production and is the equivalent of the F5- motor neuron found in monkeys.