Assault is defined by common law. S39 of the CriminalJusticeAct1988 mentions assault as being a summaryoffence with a fixedterm sentence of 6months.
The actus reus of assault is an: an act which causes the victim to apprehend, immediate unlawful force.
There must be anact. It cannot be an omission.
The act may be through: written and spokenwords (Constanza), Actions (Smith v CSoWP), Silence (Ireland)
The victim must apprehendunlawful force (lamb).
The Vmustapprehend that the unlawful force will pursue immediately. In SmithvCSoWP, the court stated that is immediate if the Vdoesnotknowwhatwillhappennext.
If noimmediateharm can actuallypursue then it cannotbeassault. In Tuberville v Savage, the court held that where there isaconditionalthreat, the wordsnegatethethreat.
The mensrea of assault is: intention or recklessness as to causing the victim to apprehendimmediateunlawfulforce.