les animaux

Cards (17)

  • What is the French word for "pig"?
    un cochon
  • What is the French word for "sheep"?
    un mouton
  • What is the French word for "dog"?
    un chien
  • What is the French word for "cat"?
    un chat
  • What is the French word for "horse"?
    un cheval
  • What is the French word for "donkey"?
    un âne
  • What is the French word for "rooster"?
    un coq
  • What is the French word for "duck"?
    un canard
  • What is the French word for "bird"?
    un oiseau
  • What is the French word for "butterfly"?
    un papillon
  • What is the French word for "squirrel"?
    un écureuil
  • What is the French word for "bull"?
    un taureau
  • What is the French word for "rat"?
    un rat
  • What is the French word for "rabbit"?
    un lapin
  • What is the French word for "monkey"?
    un singe
  • What is the French word for "cow"?
    une vache
  • What is the French word for "mouse"?
    une souris