la famille

Cards (22)

  • What is the French word for "the father"?
    le père
  • What is the French word for "the brother"?
    le frère
  • What is the French word for "the grandfather"?
    le grand-père
  • What is the French word for "the cousin" (male)?
    le cousin
  • What is the French word for "the uncle"?
  • What is the French word for "the mother"?
    la mère
  • What is the French word for "the sister"?
    la sœur
  • What is the French word for "the grandmother"?
    la grand-mère
  • What is the French word for "the cousin" (female)?
    la cousine
  • What is the French word for "the aunt"?
    la tante
  • What is the French word for "the parents"?
    les parents
  • What is the French word for "the son"?
    le fils
  • What is the French word for "the nephew"?
    le neveu
  • What is the French word for "the husband"?
    le mari
  • What is the French word for "the daughter"?
    la fille
  • What is the French word for "the niece"?
    la nièce
  • What is the French word for "the stepfather"?
    le beau-père
  • What is the French word for "the stepbrother"?
    le demi-frère
  • What is the French word for "the step-sister"?
    la demi-sœur
  • What is the French word for "the wife"?
    la femme
  • What are the family relationships in French vocabulary covered in the material?
    • le père = the father
    • la mère = the mother
    • le frère = the brother
    • la sœur = the sister
    • le grand-père = the grandfather
    • la grand-mère = the grandmother
    • le cousin = the cousin (male)
    • la cousine = the cousin (female)
    • l'oncle = the uncle
    • la tante = the aunt
    • le fils = the son
    • la fille = the daughter
    • le neveu = the nephew
    • la nièce = the niece
    • le mari = the husband
    • la femme = the wife
    • le beau-père = the stepfather
    • le demi-frère = the stepbrother
    • la demi-sœur = the stepsister
  • what is the youngest?
    le cadet