Homestead Act - This aimed at settling the West with family farms owned by free men and women. People were given 160 acres and cost $10. After 5 years, if a house had been built they could own this land outright
Pacific Railroad Act - aimed at developing connections between new land in the West and northern cities. This was passed by Abraham Lincoln. Work began in 1863 at each end of the line
Transcontinental Railroad completed - The Central Pacific and Union Pacific companies meet in Utah. An electric telegraph system had also been built along the railroad to help communications
Abilene - Joseph McCoy establishes the first cow town around a railroad in Kansas. He spent $5,000 advertising the fact people could travel there safely. McCoy became a rich man
Wind pump is invented by Daniel Halladay which would swing round automatically when the wind changed direction and could extract water from below ground
Exoduster Movement - 40, 000 African Americans began to migrate to Kansas under the leadership of Benjamin Singleton. The following year a rumour spread that the government was handing over the entire state which increased migrant numbers