Biochemical Reactions

Cards (28)

  • Determine the ability of an organism to ferment sugar incorporated in a medium producing acid or acid with gas.
    Sugar Fermentation
  • Sugar Fermentation
    Positive: (Acidic) pinkish-red
    Negative: (Alkaline) yellow to colorless
  • Demonstrates the ability of certain bacteria to decompose the amino acid tryptophane to indole, which accumulates in the medium.
    Indole Production
  • Indole Production
    Positive: Red Ring
    Negative: Yellow Ring
  • Detection of the production of sufficient acid during the fermentation of glucose so that pH of the medium falls, and it is maintained below 4.5.
    Methyl Red (MR TEST)
  • Methyl Red (MR) Test
    Positive: Bright red color
    Negative: Yellow color
  • Detects the presence of acetoin which is responsible to the conversion to diacetyl, and α napthol serves as a catalyst to form a red complex.
    Voges-Proskauer (VP) Test
  • Voges-Proskauer (VP) Test
    Positive: Pink in 2-5 mins / Crimson Red in 30 mins
    Negative: Remains yellow or colorless for 30 mins
  • Test for the ability of an organism to utilize citrate as the sole carbon and energy source for growth and an ammonium salts as the sole source of nitrogen with resulting alkalinity.
    Citrate Utilization
  • Simmons' Citrate Medium (Citrate Utilization)
    Positive: Blue color and streak of growth
    Negative: Original green and no growth
  • Koser's Citrate Medium (Citrate Utilization)
    Positive: Turbidity
    Negative: No turbidity
  • Test for the presence of the enzyme nitrate reductase which causes the reduction of nitrate to nitrite which can be tested for by an appropriate colorimetric reagent. Almost all Enterobacteriaceae reduce nitrate.

    Nitrate Reduction Test
  • Nitrate Reduction Test
    Positive: Red color (indicates the presence of nitrite)
    Negative: No color development
  • Used to identify bacteria capable of hydrolyzing urea using the enzyme urease which splits urea to ammonia. Ammonia makes the medium alkaline and thus phenol red indicator changes to pink/red in color.
    Urease Test
  • Urease Test
    Positive: Purple-pink color
    Negative: Pale yellow color
  • Demonstrates the presence of catalase, an enzyme that catalyses the release of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide.
    Catalase Production
  • Catalase Production
    Positive: Bubbling (oxygen is formed)
    Negative: No Bubbling
  • Determine the presence of bacterial cytochrome oxidase using the oxidation of the substrate, a redox dye, tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine dihydrochloride (oxidase reagent).
    Positive: purple color within 10 secs
    Negative: no reaction/color
  • Determines whether the organism possesses the enzyme phenylalanine deaminase that deaminates phenylalanine to phenylpyruvic acid, which reacts with ferric salts to give a green color.
    Phenylalanine Deaminase Test
  • Oxidase Reagent
    tetramethyl-p-phenylene-diamine dihydrochloride
  • Phenylalanine Deaminase Test
    Positive: Green color
    Negative: No color change
  • Some organisms decompose sulfur-containing amino acids producing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) among the products. It detects H2S liberated as a result of the degradation of sulfur containing amino acids.
    Hydrogen Sulfide Production
  • Hydrogen Sulfide Production
    Positive: black color
    Negative: no color change
  • Test the ability of an organism to grow in the presence of cyanide.
    Potassium Cyanide Test
  • Potassium Cyanide Test
    Positive: turbidity due to growth
    Negative: Clear, no growth
  • Used to determine whether a gram-negative rod utilizes glucose and lactose or sucrose fermentatively and forms hydrogen sulfide (H2S). TSI medium facilitates preliminary identification of gram-negative bacilli.
    Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
  • Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar
    Red color (alkaline): no fermentation
    Yellow color (acidic): fermentation of carbohydrate
    Bubbles in the butt: gas produce during fermentation of carbohydrate
    Blackening of the medium: H2S Production
  • Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar(Slant/Butt)

    Red/Red: no fermentation of glucose, lactose or sucrose
    Red/Yellow: Glucose fermented; lactose or sucrose not fermented
    Red/Yellow/H2S: Glucose fermented; lactose not fermented, H2S produced
    • Yellow/Yellow: Glucose and lactose/sucrose fermented