Pipette use

Cards (16)

  • True - Avoid using the lowest capacity of a pipette
  • False - after using, it is okay to not return the settings to max capacity
  • Steps in using pipette (in order)
    1. setting the volume
    2. Aspirating a liquid
  • Steps in aspirating a liquid
    1. push the plunger up to 1st stop
    2. Immerse the disposable tip of the micro-pipette while still holding down the plunger button
    3. Release the plunger to create a partial vacuum
    4. Place the tip to the vessel
    5. Push to first stop
    6. Push plunger to the second stop to empty the tip completely
  • Asepsis - absence of pathogens
  • Types of Aseptic technique
    • sterilization
    • disinfection
  • sterilization - complete destruction of all living organisms including cell viruses
  • Sterile - this term means "devoid life"
  • Methods of Sterilization
    • dry heat
    • autoclave
    • gas
    • chemicals
    • certain types of radiation
  • Disinfection - destruction/removal of pathogens from objects by physical or chemical methods
  • Pasteurization - a disinfectant method using liquid
  • Antiseptics - solutions to disinfect skin and other living tissues
  • Heat - method of sterilization and disinfection that is most practical, efficient, inexpensive that can withstand high temperature
  • Types of heat sterilization method
    • incineration
    • autoclave
  • Incineration - most common treatment of biomedical waste; 870-980 degrees Celsius
  • Autoclave - usually used in laboratories; enzymes and structural proteins are denatured at 15 psi; 121 degrees celsius for 20 minutes at 15 psi