glacial landforms

Cards (61)

  • u shaped valleys
    glacier moves through
    flat bottom
    high side walls
  • hanging valley
    a tributary valley that enters a glacial trough at a considerable height above its floor
    stops when they meet
    ice melts
  • misfits streams

    river in a glacial valley
    not meant to be there
  • corrie example
    Cwm Idwal in Wales
  • corrie features
    steep back wall
    armchair depression
    corrie lip
  • corrie processes
    plucking on back wall
    abrasion of bedrock
    rotational flow in the middle
  • ice wedge polygon example
    north of Alaska
  • ice wedge polygon features

    same pattern as stone polygon on top
    trough and a rim
  • ice wedge polygon process
    - cold temps form cracks in ground surface
    - fill with meltwater during warmer periods
    - water freezes and expands, crack widens
    - over time large cracks open up
  • ice wedge polygon after glaciation?
    crack may become filled with finer sediment
  • what is scree?
    broken rocks that lay upon a steep slope
    usually on valley sides
    - angular > weathered by freeze thaw and periglacial processes
  • what is felsenmeer?
    large areas of broken rocks
    bottom of the valley
    - angular > weathered by freeze thaw and periglacial processes
  • kettle hole example
    Sunfish lake
  • kettle hole features

  • kettle hole processes
    - blocks of ice that are separated from the main glacier
    - cold conditions, isolated ice blocks become partially buried in meltwater sediments
    - ice blocks melt + leave kettle holes
  • pingo example
    Tuktoyaktuk, Canada
  • pingo features
    rounded ice cored hills
    huge collection of water in soil
    must be v wet and cold
    - up to 90m in height
    - 800m in diameter
  • pingo processes
    - water trapped within the ground freezes, expands and pushes the land above it upwards
    - hyrdrolaccolith (underground pool of water) perennial ice formations that melt and reform seasonally
    - frost heave
  • what is an ognip?
    a collapsed pingo
  • closed system ognip?
    - underneath a body of water (lake or pond)
    - water on top
    - lots of surface water ie moat
  • open system ognip?
    - formed in areas with lots of groundwater
    - bottom of valley
  • solifluction lobes features? (periglacial)
    tongue shaped
    series of lobes in a step-like feature
    bedrock underneath
  • solifluction lobes process
    - meltwater infiltrates into soil and saturates it quickly as lower layer is permanently frozen
    - saturation reduces friction between particles within soil
    - saturated soil flows downhill and rests
    - large stones pushed upwards and to front creating a stone bank
  • solifluction lobe
  • patterned ground, stone polygons and stone striping
    - result of frost heave
    - hexagonal shape created
    - on slopes exceeding 60 degrees hill is too steep for stones to rest on and stone stripes are formed
  • stone polygons example
    Glen Rosa, Scotland
    1.5 m in diameter
    - valley floor
  • stone polygon features
    - sorted stone (large on outside, rolled down > small on top)
    - deflated or dipped area in between stones
    - hexagon
  • stone polygon processes
    - result of frost heave
    - large circles of stones are formed as temp fluctuates (o and -4)
  • Kame terrace example
    Glen Rosa
    - thickness up to 100m
    - side of the glacial valley
  • kame terrace features
    mounds of sediment (irregular shape)
    sands & gravel (small material)
    sorted deposits (transported by meltwater)
    flat, long benches
    sub angular
  • kame terrace processes
    - deposition > sediment along the front of a slowly melting or stationary glacier
    - formed by actions of meltwater streams that flow along the sides of the ice, trapped against it by the valley walls
  • nivation hollow example
    Glen Rosa
    - found everywhere
  • nivation hollow features

    long established snow patches
  • nivation hollow processes
    - physical weathering
    - frost shattering
    - prolong action of freeze thaw
    - debris is moved by meltwater flowing
  • esker example
    glen rosa
    5-50m in height
    500m in width
  • esker features
    - sinuous, serpentine, meandering + fluvial mound of sediment
    - sub rounded
  • esker processes
    river flowing (turbulent) in a glacier
    glacier retreats sediments get deposited in a mound
  • medial moraine example
    glen rosa
    found between 2 glaciers
  • medial moraine features
    angular rocks
    aligned in the direction of flow
    pile of rocks
    pyramidal shape
  • medial moraine processes
    plucking + freeze thaw
    (no pattern) deposition