single rebranding - Hull city of cullture

Cards (5)

  • what evidence is there for the need for rebranding in Hull?
    negative image 'end of line'
    decline in industry 1970s/80s
  • what could the rebranding focus be?
    events or themes strategy
    old port heritage (maritime past)
  • what are the benefits of rebranding?
    more visitors - £60 mill boost, inc of 30% in tourists (catalyst)
    £15 mill on art events - across the city
    turner prize - Ferens art gallery, CDI digital tech
  • arguments against rebranding?
    only impacts 'elite' - wealthier/ educated not for working class
    recent cuts to spending - £1.6 mill funding
    no long term benefit
  • who are the players?
    executive organisers
    local community groups, businesses