rebranding strategy - Barcelona

Cards (9)

  • why was rebranding needed in Barcelona?
    - Spanish civil war 1936
    - city taken over by nationalists
    - architecture not well maintained, run down image - lost vibrant spirit
  • what strategies were used?
    - LA 7 yr plan 1980s > 140 small projects providing more piazzas and better housing, transport routes, schools & hospitals
    - 1992 Olympic Games > used to regenerate city wide redevelopment and to renovate rundown areas such as the harbour and beaches. key to reasserting Catalan pride + identity
    - art galleries, museums, restaurants, cafes, architecture and public spaces used to promote the city as one of the most vibrant + creative places in Europe
  • what were player's role and influence?
    - businesses + municipal gov built a rep for services, innovation, the knowledge economy and entrepreneurship
    'strategic metropolitan plan of Barcelona - vision 2020'
    > aim was to position the city as 'one of the most attractive and influential European regions for innovative global talent and as the best setting for economic & business growth
  • how has rebranding altered people's perception of Barcelona?
    - seen as an attractive place to study, visit and live in
    - centre of 21st cent business innovation
  • has rebranding been successful?
    - indices of employment, edu, health, crime all show both physical and socio-economic gains for locals as well as visitors
    - is it sustainable?
  • describe the housing of raval area

    - inner city
    - cheap lodgings in run down tenements, easy access to informal employment in the docks
    - southern raval overcrowded residential areas and old derelict factories
    - new housing contracted for residents displayed
    - student accommodation occupies refurbished buildings
    - scheme of 5 mill euros 80% from eu
  • describe the demographic of raval
    - lots of students
    - private uni with high quality amenities
    - lots of culture (buildings such as museum of contemporary art)
  • describe the environment of raval
    - nearly 1700 residential and commercial properties were demolished to clear space for a large, tree-lined pedestrianised space
    - v. little street furniture - area for markets + festivals
  • has rebranding been successful in raval?
    - wealthy tourists make poorer residents feel excluded from many facilities
    - property prices inc > displaced many
    - protest graffiti from pushed out residents