social inequality case study - Northwood, Irvine

Cards (8)

  • place characteristics
    > edge city
    > LA (south)
    > near Pacific ocean
    > 49000 per 10000km^2
    > mediterranean climate
  • housing conditions
    > 91% own their homes
    > property val = $933600
    > avg house size - 2.8
  • environmental quality
    > air pollution is v low
    > edge of LA conurbation so avoids smog
    > v desirable to live
  • access to resources
    > got everything
    > developed as a planned area
  • how does income affect social inequality?
    > avg income - $111,574
    > lots of TNCs - Mazda, Kia
    > lots of investments pumped in
    > very resilient
  • how does health affect social inequality?
    > lots of private and public hospitals
  • how does education affect social inequality?
    > lots of high levels of education
    > uni of Cali Irvine - job oops
    > tertiary/ quaternary jobs
    > highly ranked schools
    > 68% over 25 have a degree
    > 20% have masters
    > 18% managerial roles
  • how does age/gender affect social inequality?
    > 40% white
    > 40% asian