management of schizophrenia

Cards (10)

  • Token economies
    A form of behavioural modification, where desirable behaviours are encouraged by the use of selective reinforcement
  • Token economies
    • People are given rewards (tokens) when they engage in socially desirable behaviours
  • Tokens
    Secondary reinforcers that can then be exchanged for primary reinforcers - food or privileges
  • developing token economies - schizophrenia
    • Ayllon and Azrin
    • trialled a token economy system in a ward of women with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
    • making bed or cleaning up - plastic token with 'one gift'
    • swapped for ward privileges
    • number of tasks carried out increased significantly
    • Their use has declined in the UK - growth of community-based care and the closure of psychiatric hospitals and ethical issues of restricting rewards to people with mental disorders
  • rationale for token economies - schizophrenia
    • institutionalisation - prolonged hospitalisation
    • develop bad habits
    • Matson - token economies tackle personal care, condition-related behaviours and social behaviour
    • this improves persons quality of life within hospital setting
    • normalises behaviour which makes it easier for people who have spent time in hospital to adapt back into community
  • what is involved in token economy - schizophrenia
    • token given to individuals immediately when they have carried out desirable behaviour
    • target behaviours decided on an individual basis
    • swapped for rewards
  • theoretical understanding of token economies - schizophrenia
    • behaviour modification - operant conditioning
    • tokens = secondary reinforcers - only have value once person learns they are used to obtain meaningful rewards
    • meaningful rewards - primary reinforcers
    • secondary reinforces need to be paired with primary reinforcers
  • AO3 - token economies - strength
    P: evidence for their effectiveness
    E: Glowacki - 7 high quality studies published examined the effectiveness of token economies for people with chronic mental health issues in a hospital setting - showed a reduction in negative symptoms and a decline in the frequency of unwanted behaviours
    L: supports the value of token economies
  • AO3 - token economies - limitation
    P: ethical issues raised
    E: gives professionals power to control behaviour of patient - imposes their norms on others
    resticting the availability of pleasures to people who don't behave how desired - means ill people experience more distress
    L: benefits outweighed by the impact on personal freedom and short-term reduction in quality of life
  • AO3 - token economies - limitation
    P: existence of more pleasant and ethical alternatives
    E: Chiang - art therapy might be a good alternative - high-gain low-risk approach to managing schizophrenia - pleasant experience without side effects or ethical abuse
    NICE guidelines recommend art therapy for schizophrenia
    L: art therapy might be a good alternative to token economies