interactionist approach to schizophrenia

Cards (12)

  • The interactionist approach - schizophrenia
    • acknowledges that here are biological psychological and social factors in development of schizophrenia
    • biological = genetic vulnerability and neurochemical and neurological abnormality
    • psychological = stress
    • social factors = poor quality interactions in family
  • Interactionist approach
    A way to explain the development of behaviour in terms of a range of factors, including both biological and psychological ones. Most importantly such factors don't simply add together but combine in a way that can't be predicted by each one separately i.e. they interact.
  • Diathesis-stress model
    An interactionist approach to explaining behaviour. For example schizophrenia is explained as the result of both an underlying vulnerability (diathesis) and a trigger (stressor), both of which are necessary for the onset of schizophrenia.
  • Early versions of the diathesis-stress model
    • Vulnerability was genetic and triggers were psychological
  • Modern diathesis-stress model
    • Both genes and trauma are seen as diatheses, and stress can be psychological or biological in nature
  • the diathesis-stress model - schizophrenia
    • Meehls model -
    • diathesis entirely genetic 'schizogene'
    • schizotypic personality
    • chronic stress in childhood could result in development of disorder
    • if there is no schizogene then no amount of stress would lead to schizophrenia
  • the diathesis-stress model - schizophrenia
    modern understanding of diathesis
    • many genes each appear to increase genetic vulnerability
    • psychological trauma can become diathesis
    • Read - neurodevelopmental model in which early trauma alters the developing brain
    • hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system - overactive and more vulnerable to stress
  • the diathesis-stress model - schizophrenia
    modern understanding of stress
    • psychological stress - parenting
    • cannabis use - increases risk up to 7x - interferes with dopamine
  • schizophrenia treatment - interactionist
    • combining antipsychotic medication and psychological therapies - CBT
    • UK - increasingly standard practice to treat people diagnoses with schizophrenia with a combination of antipsychotic drugs and CBT
    • less likely in the US
  • AO3 - interactionist (S) - strength
    P: evidence supporting the role of both vulnerability and triggers
    E: Tineri - large-scale study investigated the impact of both genetic vulnerability and a psychological trigger - 19,000 adopted finish children whose bio mothers were diagnosed with schizophrenia
    • compared to control group
    • adoptive parents assessed for child-rearing style - high levels of criticism , hostility and low empathy - developed schizophrenia in high genetic risk group
    L: combo of genetic vulnerability and family stress leads to increased risk of schizophrenia
  • AO3 - interactionist (S) - limitation
    P: oversimplicity of the original diathesis-stress model
    E: multiple genes in multiple combinations influence diathesis and stress comes in many forms
    Stress can also be biological and diathesis can also be psychological
    Houston - study on childhood sexual abuse
    L: means there are multiple factors affecting both diathesis and stress
  • AO3 - interactionist (S) - strength
    P: real-world application of treatment
    E: studies show that combining treatment enhances their effectiveness
    Tarrier - randomly allocated 315 ppts to 3 groups
    medication and CBT
    Medication and counselling
    medication only
    • The two combination groups showed lower symptoms than the medication group
    L: clear practical advantage to adopting interactions approach to schizophrenia