smallorganisms like amoeba have a verylargesurfacearea compared to their volume. this means they have a bigsurfacearea for the transport substances and a shortdistance between the outside and the Very middle of the organism. simplediffusion is sufficient to meet their metabolic needs
large organisms have a smaller surface area compared to their volume and a larger distance from the outside to the middle of the organis. they also have highermetabolicrates meaning they require moreoxygen for respiration. large organisms require adaptations to increase the efficiency of exchange across their surface
Insects can respire anaerobically during flight, producing lactic acid that decreaseswaterpotential and draws water into cells, decreasingtrachealfluidvolume and causing air inflow
Single closed circulatory system would not enable efficientgas exchange for mammals but it does work for fish because they have that counter current flow mechanism