eng lang vocab

Cards (54)

  • Advocate
    Noun: a person who publicly supports someone or something
  • Defeatist
    Noun: a person (or tone) who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure
  • Demeaning
    Adjective: to damage or lower the character, status of reputation of someone or something
  • Derisive
    Adjective: expressing contempt or ridicule
  • Desensitised
    Adjective: to cause someone to experience something, usually an emotion or a pain, less strongly than before
  • Despondent
    Adjective: in low spirits from loss of hope or courage
  • Detrimental
    Adjective: to cause harm or damage
  • Divisive
    Adjective: something that tends to cause a disagreement between people
  • Facetious
    Adjective: treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant
  • Farcical
    Adjective: very silly, unlikely, or unreasonable, often in a way that is humorous
  • Futile
    Adjective: something that produces no end result; useless and pointless
  • Idealistic
    Adjective: characterised by idealism; unrealistically aiming for perfection; someone who believes that very good things can be achieved, often when this does not seem likely to others
  • Impassioned
    Adjective: filled with or showing great emotion
  • Inevitable
    Adjective: something that is certain to happen/ unavoidable
  • Marginalised
    Adjective: a group within a society who are not given the same opportunities or power as others
  • Obnoxious
    Adjective: very unpleasant or rude
  • Paramount
    Adjective: more important than anything else
  • Perpetuate
    Verb: to cause something to continue; to spread opinions or beliefs among a lot of people
  • Poignant
    Adjective: evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
  • Problematic
    Adjective: something that is controversial or presents an issue
  • Reverent
    Adjective: feeling or showing deep and solemn respect
  • Sensationalise
    Verb: (especially of a newspaper) present information about (something) in a sensational way
  • Sobering
    Adjective: making you feel serious or think about serious matters
  • Unequivocal
    Adjective: total, or expressed in a clear and certain way
  • gauche - lacking social experience or grace
  • ricochet - a glancing rebound
  • illicit - not permitted
  • clandestine - marked by, held in, or conducted in secrecy
  • mercurial - rapid and unpredictable changeableness or mood
  • elegies - pensive or reflective poem usually nostalgic or melancholy
  • eulogise - speak or write in high praise of
  • calamitous - extremely bad or unfortunate, causing great distress or damage
  • disposition - the tendency of something to act in a certain manner under given circumstances
  • maim - to mutilate, disfigure, or wound seriously
  • altruism - unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
  • Machiavellian - marked by cunning, duplicity or bad faith
  • beguiling - agreeably or charmingly attractive or pleasing
  • epiphany - a moment of sudden revelation or insight
  • scathing - bitterly severe
  • abhor - to hate