Elizabeth hoped that the definition of the royal prerogative would end attempts to undermine it. 1588 - MPs unhappy about her privileges, less willing to accept purveyance and monopolies
1593= the commons asked to fix the issue of purveyance but Cecil said it infringed the royal prerogative.
Parliament was summoned 4 times after 1588 as she needed money. Later parliaments were less willing to grant it
Impact of the Spanish Armada
showed the power of England
caused financial problems
invasion scares in the 1590s
1599 - forced to sell crown lands and reduce court expenditure
Elizabeth had no clear policy after the Spanish Armada
Bad harvests in the 1580s and 90s= the price of bread doubled, death rate due to malnutrition increased by 50%
1597 and 1601 - unrest about monopolies
Oxfordshire protests in 1596
govt became paranoid about unrest
protest due to enclosure - not a large threat, but the govt responded harshly
controlled unrest, govt thought it was bigger threat
Irish Rebellion 1598
most serious unrest
fear that the Irish would allow Spanish troops to form a base - attracted lots of support
Essex was unable to deal with it so replaced by Mountjoy
ended in 1603
Essex Rebellion 1601
failed in the irish rebellion damaging his reputation
had support in Court and London, but his defiance reduced support and his monopoly for sweetwines was removed so he had less income
attempted to raise a rebellion but not supported
crushed easily - viewed as nuisance
Elizabeth faced opposition due to the 1590s economic crisis
The attendance of her court declined and she made less presences
Her looks diminished and in 1596 portraits which threatened her image were destroyed
Her Golden Speech won lots of support in Parliament.
Her image as Gloriana was damaged
Factional struggles between Cecil and Essex damaged her reputation