Also decreases the birth rate as soldiers are away and not at home
When the soldiers do return, a baby boom occurs. This is when many people are having children in the same period of time.
How Health affects the rate of population change:
A good healthcare system lowers the death rate as there is access to vaccines and antibiotics to prevent disease and death
The availability of sanitation and clean drinking water reduces the spread of disease. Many developing countries have a high death rate due to a lack of clean drinking water and sanitation.
How the Role of Women in society affect the rate of population change:
Their role in developing countries is to have children and take care of the family, meaning there will be a highbirth rate
In developed countries, women have a job or career and can be childless. This means the birth rate in a developed country decreases.
In the developing country, due to their societal role, they are not given an education so they are trapped into having many children.