
Cards (4)

  • how did the government play a role in developing vaccinations?
    Edward Jenner faced a lot of opposition for his smallpox vaccine, but the British government gave him £10000 for his research in 1802, then later made the smallpox vaccination compulsory in 1853.
  • how did the government's involvement in public health improve it?
    before the late 19th century, the government as "laissez-faire". The development of the welfare state in the 20th century was influenced by the reports of Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree, showing that those outside the government were also able to influence public health.
  • how did the government passing laws help to improve public health?
    the Public Health Act in 1948 meant that a General Board of Health was established which was responsible for advising on public health matters such as epidemics and disease prevention. Living conditions also improved when governments passed meaningfull laws.
  • how did strong local governments bring health progress?
    after the Black Death in 1348, local government officials wore special suits, imrpoved quarantine, and got better at disposing of bodies.