Psychodynamic approach

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  • The Psychodynamic approach assumes that personality is largely inherited and development is shaped by early experiences and trauma
  • The Psychodynamic approach uses psychic determinism that behaviour is determined by unconscious conflicts
  • The Psychodynamic approach believes that abnormal behaviour can be treated through psycho-analytic therapy
  • Freud's three elements are the ID, Superego and Ego
  • The ID operates according to the 'pleasure principle' where primitive & instinctive drives control decisions
  • The Superego operates according to the 'morality principle' where conscience, guilt, societal rules etc. control decisions
  • The Ego mediates between the ID and the Superego
  • Freud argued that the 'levels of consciousness' are unconscious and preconscious
  • Unconscious is full of feelings, motives and drives
  • Preconscious is made up of things not currently being processed but can be easily recalled
  • Defence mechanisms protect us and our ego by unconsciously suppressing or redirecting traumatic memories/thoughts that may cause anxiety
  • The defence mechanisms are denial, repression, and displacement
  • Displacement is redirecting emotions at something/someone else
  • Freud's psychosexual stages are oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital
  • The resolution of each psychosexual stage requires the expenditure of sexual energy
  • The more sexual energy expended at each stage, the more important the characteristics will remain with the individual
  • The Oral stage lasts from 0-2 years
  • The Oral stage is gratification from sucking, caused by not enough/too much pleasure from breastfeeding
  • People in the Oral stage are likely to become smokers or alcoholics
  • The Anal stage lasts from 2-3 years
  • The Anal stage is gratification from defacating
  • Anal-retentive links to a good toilet schedule which can result in high organisational skills
  • Anal-expulsive links to a bad toilet schedule which can result in messiness
  • The Phallic stage lasts from 3-6 years
  • The Phallic stage is the competition with same-sex parent for the other's attention
  • Too much competition in the Phallic stage can result in an oedipus/electra complex
  • During the Phallic stage boys avoid castration anxiety by identifying with their father
  • An Oedipus/Electra complex is the unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex
  • The Latent stage lasts from 6-12 years
  • The Latent stage is the forming of relationships with the opposite gender
  • Lack of relationships formed in the Latent stage can lead to dormant libido
  • The Genital stage is from 12+ years
  • The Genital stage is the act of having sexual intercourse
  • Freud's stages are useful for explaining behaviour but not for predicting
  • Freud's stages are unfalsifiable so highly unscientific
  • Freud may have shown research bias so has low internal validity
  • The three defence mechanisms are repression, denial, and displacement
  • Repression is forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind
  • Denial is refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality
  • Displacement is transferring feelings from true source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target