
Cards (5)

  • What was the aim (Gottesman)?
    To provide more evidence for the genetic explanation by completing a dual-mating study where parents had disorders
  • What was the sample(Gottesman)?
    2.7 million people in Denmark, born before 1997
    Their conditions were all identified in the Danish Psychiatric Central Register
    196 couples who both had schizophrenia and their 270 children
    83 couples who both had bipolar and their 146 children
  • What was the method(Gottesman)?
    Dual-mating, Cohort, quasi- study
  • What were the results(Gottesman)?
    Those who had two schizophrenic parents were 25 times more likely to have schizophrenia than the general population
    This was roughly the same as the bipolar parents condition
    There were genetic similarities between schizophrenia and bipolar
  • What was the conclusion(Gottesman)?
    This supports previous findings of the genetic cause for mental health