Rise of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda

Cards (5)

  • Consequences of Soviet-Afghan War
    -Mujahideen became international terrorist movement -Afghanistan collapsed into Civil War -3 Million Refugees fled to Pakistan
  • Taliban
    Fundamentalist and created by former mujahideen commander Mohammed Omar to fight against warlords. In 1996 they took control and set up Islamic Emirate following Sharia laws
  • Why was it called the Taliban?

    Many followers were students educated in Madrassas
  • What were some laws the Taliban imposed?
    forbade music, tv, and toys. All windows needed to be painted black -Women must wear a burqa and were banned from education/financial freedom/travel without a man punishments include flogging, stoning and cutting the hands/feet of thieves
  • Al-Qaeda
    set up by Bin Laden before soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. Set up charities to help refugees however donations actually went training and arming Mujahideen. It was made up of fragmented groups loosely conncted. After 1989 MAK grew into Al Qaeda. They had a belief in a 'defensive Jihad'