A Phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear fo a situation or object, where exposure to the source of fear triggers an immediate anxiety response
Social phobias are fear of social situations in which the person may be judged or embarrassed (AKA social anxiety)
Agoraphobia is an irrational & extreme fear of places where escape is difficult e.g crowds, leaving home
Specific phobias are phobias of a specific object e.g arachnophobia
Emotional characteristics of phobias are excessive fear, anxiety & panic
Behavioural characteristics of phobias are avoidance, freezing, fainting
Cognitive characteristics of phobias are irrational thinking, resistance to logical argument, awareness of irrationality
Flooding is a phobia treatment technique where the patient is introduced to their phobia at maximum capacity without warning with no way of fleeing
Flooding is similar in effectiveness to alternate therapues although therre is some evidence that it is more effective than systematic desensitization
Flooding is intense so may not be appropriate for everyone and could backfire
Flooding can be traumatic so raises ethical issues
Systematic Desensitization involves gradually introducing someone to their phobia in stages
Systematic Desensitization has a 75% success rate (McGrath et.al.)
Systematic Desensitization works more effectively in vivo than in vitro and has long-term effects
Systematic Desensitization needs little insight so is appropriate for many, however cannot deal with ancient phobias
Systematic Desensitization avoids extreme distress & drop-outs as it goes at the patient's own pace