
Cards (10)

  • What were the causes of 9/11
    -Afghan War -Iran/Iraq War 88-89 -Operation Desert Shield 1990-Al Qaeda -Operation Desert Storm 1991 -1993 WTC Attack -1996 Taliban take charge -1998 Declaration of War by AL-Qaeda -African Embassy Attacks -2000 USS Cole Attack in Yemen
  • The Iran-Iraq War

    In 1979 Iran's leader was deposed and replaced with a radical Shi'ite muslim. -Hussien and Ba'ath Party was mainly Sunni-invaded Iran in 1980 leading to massive Iraqi debts (14 bil to Kuwait alone) to avoid paying they invaded Kuwait on the 2nd of August 1980
  • Operation Desert Shield August 1990
    7th August -Bush placed US Troops in Saudi Arabia to prevent aggression. He was also concerned about Kuwaits occupation and relied heavily on ME oil
  • Operation Desert Storm 1991
    24th February 1991 -US + Coalition freed Kuwait from Iraqi control -achieved by 28th -Didnt remove Hussien/invade because they couldn't establish a stable government -Bush stationed 5,000 troops in SA to support a 'no-fly zone'
  • WTC Attack 1993
    Ramzi Yousef (AQ member) exploded a 1500lb truck bomb in the WTC Car Park. He wanted to explode the Twin Towers but failed -Killed 6 and Injured 1042
  • 1998 Declaration of War by AQ
    1996-Taliban take charge of Afghanistan -Bin Laden declared war on US and allies on 23/02/98 -On 07/08/98 US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed killig 200+ and injuring approx 4000 -US then launched attacks on Afghanistan and Sudan and in November Bin Laden was charged by US grand jury with responsibility regarding the attacks
  • 2000 USS Cole Attack in Yemen
    AQ Network attacked the US Navy Ship USSS Cole of the coast of Yemen -17 US Soldiers were killed -At this time 9/11 was already being planned
  • 9/11
    Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City; a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C.The attackers were from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations.
    A fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.
    Over 3,000 people were killed during the attacks, including more than 400 police officers and firefighters.
  • What did Congress do on September 14th?
    passed AUMF which gave Bush power to attack Afghanistan in October and Taliban was removed in December. 800 Prisoners were interned in Guantanamo Bay
  • The Faith of Act 2001
    gave the government the right to monitor phone calls and internet messages. Many states gave more police power to seek and detain suspects