Monastic Life

Cards (10)

  • Who was the most influential Holy teacher at the time?
    St Benedict
  • What did St Benedict do?
    Created the Benedictine Order of Monasticism
  • What did Benedictine Nuns and Monks vow?
    • Give up all wealth and possessions (Vow of Poverty)
    • Abstain from sex and other physical pleasure, like alcohol and sweet food (Vow of Chastity)
    • Obey the teachings of God, as interpreted by their Abbot or Abbess (Vow of Obedience)
    • Never to leave their monastic community (Vow of Stability)
  • What time did Monks and Nuns go to bed?
  • What time did Monks and Nuns wake up?
    Midnight for morning prayers
  • What did Monks and Nuns spend most time doing?
    Praying and looking after the Church
  • What did William do to Monasteries?
    • Encouraged the construction on Abbeys and Monasteries, and many grand buildings
    • Brought Abbots and Abbesses from Normandy to ensure the rules of the Benedictine Order of Monasticism were followed
    • Cluniac Order was introduced in 1077 to make reform easier by interpreting more stricter rules from the Benedictine Order of Monasticism
  • What happened to Abbots under the Feudal System?
    They became rich landowners, but also had to provide knights to the King
  • What did William and his knights do in penance for his invasion?
    • Donated money as penance to Abbeys and Monasteries
    • Ordered the construction of the Battle Abbey at the site of the Battle of Hastings
  • What became popular during the Reform?
    To send off daughters who couldn't be married off and younger sons who would not inherit anything to become Monks and Nuns