Cards (7)

  • South Cambridgeshire is the mostly rural area surrounding the city of
  • The population is 150,000 and is increasing due to migration into the
    area. Migrants have mostly come from Cambridge and other parts of the UK. However, more migrants are now moving from Eastern Europe.
  • The proportion of people in South Cambridgeshire aged 65+ is growing – by 2031 this will be 29% of the population
  • The population is estimated to reach 182,000 by 2031.
  • In 2013 the number of migrant workers increased by 25%.
  • Social effects:
    • Commuters continue to use services in the places where they work, for
    example Cambridge has a negative effect on the local rural economy.
    80% car ownership is leading to increased traffic on narrow country roads
    and reduces demand for public transport
    • Modern developments on the edges of villages and gentrification of
    abandoned farm buildings can lead to a loss of community spirit.
    Young people can’t afford the cost of houses and move away to more
    urban areas.
  • Economic effects:
    • A reduction in agricultural employment (less farm jobs) as farmers sell their land for housing developments, although this can now increase the jobs in construction
    • Lack of affordable housing
    • Some of the highest petrol prices in the UK due to a high demand.
    • An increasing number of migrants from poor parts of Europe can put pressure on services and increase costs.