Custodial sentencing

Cards (3)

  • aims
    1. Deterrance
    2. Incapacitation
    3. Retribution
    4. Rehabilitation
  • Psychological effects
    Stress and depression - suicide rates are higher in prison than in general population, self harm, stress of prison also increases risk of developing psychological disorders following release
    Institutionalisation - having adapted to norms and routines of prison life inmates may become so accustomed to these that theyre no longer able to function on the outside
    Prisonisstion - 'inmate code', unnaceptable behaviour ecouraged in prison
  • problem of recidivism
    recidivism refers to reoffending - rates in ex prisoners tell us how effective prison is as deterrent
    difficult to obtain clear figures for recidivism rates for various reasons eg whether you're looking at reoffending within a year of release or longer period, typically in UK ministry of justice reports proven figures within one year of release - UK figure about 45% recent years.
    norway - 20% as more emphasis on rehabilitation