Cards (7)

  • periodisation
    dividing the training year into specific sections for a specific purpose
  • macro cycle

    big period, long term goal split into
    preparation period
    • bernal conditioning and developing fitness levels
    competition period
    • performer refines skills and techniques whilst maintaining fitness
    transition period
    • rest and recovery. phase allows athlete to recharge mentally and physically
  • meso cycle
    4-12 week period of training with particular focus. may have a component of fitness as their focus to improve
  • micro cycle
    one week or a few days of training that is repeated throughout the length of the mesocycle
  • tapering
    reducing the volume or intensity of training prior to competition. prepares the athlete physically and mentally so peaking can occur
  • peaking
    planning and organising training so performer is at their peak for a major competition by removing training induced fatigue but before reversibility will come into effect
  • double periodisation
    sports that require athletes to peak more than once in a season