Types of injury

Cards (17)

  • acute injuries
    occurs suddenly during exercise
    pain felt straight away and is severe
    swelling around the site thats ijured
    can't bear weight on it
    restricted movement
  • fractures
    break or a crack in the bone
  • simple fracture
    clean break through a bone, doesn't penetrate the skin or damage surrounding tissue
  • compound fracture
    when soft tissue or skin has been damaged
  • comminuted fracture
    when the bone breaks or splinters into 3 or more pieces
  • spiral fracture
    winding break
  • longitudinal fracture
    occurs along the length of the bone
  • buckle fracture
    in children where the bone deforms but does not break
  • hairline fracture
    partial fracture in bone that is difficult to detects
  • greenstick fracture
    occurs in children where bone partly fractures on one side but doesn't completely break.
    because in young children the bone is.softer and more elastic so it doesn't bend
  • dislocation
    occurs at the joint
    end of bones are forced out of position
  • strains
    often called a pulled/torn muscle
    when the muscle fibres are stretched too far and tear. occur regularly in team games and contact sport with other players
    prone to strains when intensity is high and overuse of specific muscle groups
  • sprains
    sprains occur to ligaments
    strong bands of tissue around joints that join bone to bone
    lots of twisting and turning
    ankle sprains may be: inversion, normal or eversion
  • chronic injuries
    occur after playing sport for a long period of time
    overuse injury
    develop slowly, can last a long time, often ignored by performer
    dull ache when resting
  • achilles tendonitis
    overuse injury causing pain and inflammation of tendon
    back on anklet used for walking, running and jumping
  • stress fracture
    overuse injury where area becomes tender and swollen
    common in weight bearing bones of leg
    muscles have become fatigued so that are no longer able to absorb added shock of exercise
  • tennis elbow
    overuse injury in the muscles attached to the elbow that are used to straighten the wrist
    pain felt on bony part of outer elbow
    inside elbow pain is called golfers elbow