Type: A B C

Cards (10)

  • Friedman and Rosenman theory?
    cardiologists who suspected patient has similar traits
  • Type A?

    time conscious, hostile and competitive. traits increase adrenaline, more susceptible to heart disease.
  • Type B?

    not time conscious, easy-going and non-competitive. less susceptible to heart disease
  • Ragland and Brand (1988)?
    found 214 of Freidman and Rosenman's participants had died of CHD. but not more likely to be type A.
  • Myrtek (2011)?

    found hostility was the factor that led to heart disease, this challenged of the validity of the concept of type A.
  • Friedman and Rosenman?
    carried out a longitudinal study and found that out of the 257 ppts who developed heart disease, 70% were Type A
  • Type C?
    patient, unassertive, people pleasers who avoid conflict which leads to repression of emotions. This has been linked to the development of depression.
  • Morris et al (1981)?

    double blind study, researchers assessed participants with breast lumps for type C. those with cancerous lumps were more likely to be type C
  • Dattore et al (1980)?

    75 cancer patients vs 125 control. cancer patients more likely to report suppressing emotions.
  • weakness?
    cause and effect.