psychological explanations - eysencks theory

Cards (5)

  • Eysencks theory of personality -
    • proposed that behaviour could be represented along two dimensions
    • introversion-extraversion - E
    • neuroticism-stability - N
    • 2 dimensions combine to form a variety of personality characteristics
    • 3rd dimension - psychoticism-sociability
  • Eysencks theory of personality - biological basis
    • our personalities are biological in origin - nervous system
    • innate biological basis
    • Extraverts - underactive nervous system - excitement, stimulation and risk-taking behaviours - don't condition easily and don't learn from mistakes
    • Neurotic - high levels of reactivity in sympathetic nervous system - respond quickly to threat - nervous, jumpy and overanxious, cannot predict
    • psychotic - high levels of testosterone - unemotional, aggressive
  • Eysencks theory of the criminal personality
    Criminal personality = neurotic-extravert-psychotic
    Neurotics - unstable - overreact to threat
    Extraverts - seek arousal - engage in dangerous activities
    Psychotics - aggressive and lack empathy
  • Eysencks theory of the criminal personality - role of socialisation
    • personality is linked to offending behaviour via socialisation processes
    • offending behaviour = developmentally immature and selfish - immediate gratification
    • in socialisation children taught to delay gratification and more socially oriented
    • people with high E and N scores had nervous systems that made them difficult to condition - less likely to learn anxiety responses to antisocial impulses
  • Eysencks theory of the criminal personality - measuring
    • Eysenck personality questionnaire - psychological test
    • locates respondents along the E, N and P dimensions to determine their personality type