postman (1994): childhood is disappearing at a 'dazzling speed'
- breakdown of barriers between adults and children
open access to media exposes children/young people to the adult world
- increased rights for children
- decreased parental authority
- children committing adult crimes e.g. james bugler murdered by two 10 year old boys in 1993
- blurring lines between adult and child's clothing
fall of childhood is due to the decline in print culture and rise in television culture
- most people = illiterate, speech only skill needed to participate in adult world so children able to enter from early age
- mass literacy, childhood emerges with separate status to adulthood, printed world creates information hierarchy where adults withhold info from children about unsuitable topics e.g. sex, violence, death etc
- tv, internet, computers etc destroy information hierarchy by enabling children to access unsuitable info, so enter adult world earlier and lose childhood
- e.g. access to pop culture (films, music etc) leads children to imitate adult behaviour
sexualisation of childhood
- companies market adult clothes at children
- proliferation of sex tips for teenagers in youth magazines, health and beauty spas for young girls = exposure to adult concerns
- margot (2006): over past 50yrs, avg age of sex fell from 20 for men and 21 for women in the 1950s to 16 for both in mid 90s
evidence of disappearing childhood
- underage sex, drinking and smoking
- traditional games disappearing
- violent console games, films and music