Utilitarianism is the ethics of the planet

Cards (8)

  • Agree- Health care system
    More money is put to finding treatment which would create happiness
  • Agree- no religious belief
    2020 NI first gay wedding took place
  • Agree- Allows christians to practice their faith and still have autonomy to make own decisions
    e.g agree with divorce
  • Agree- Paying taxes follows the GHP as it helps the greatest number of people get benefits from those who earn more
  • Disagree- act util does not take into consideration the minority
    e.g bombs of Nagasaki and Hiroshima would be moral as although the death of people was minisoule the end of war was GHP
  • Disagree- only focuses on consequence as it is a teleological theory
    therefore if a woman went to her friends house to turn the heat on for them and the house burned. She would be held responsible
  • Disagree- utilitarianism cannot come to a final conclusion
    e.g saviour siblings
    act- allows it
    rule- does not
    preference - maybe
  • Disagree- governments do not have a util approach
    during covid, lockdown was made to protect lives of elderly etc but economy and social welfare of society suffered