pamet is the only accredited professional organization of all Registered Medical Technologist in the Philippines
pamet is a non-stock, non-profit organization that was originally organized in 1963
The association was organized by MR. CRISANTO ALMARIO“FATHER OF PAMET” who felt the need to standardize the profession and sought to improve and upgrade the practice
From the initial pre- organizational planning and conceptualization, PAMET was born on September15, 1963 at the PublicHealthLaboratoryat208QuiricidaStreet, Sta.CruzManila
the 1stNationalConvention was held at the ConferenceHalloftheFarEasternUniversityHospital on September20, 1964 where Mr. CharlemagneTamondong became the 1stPresident
who is the father of pamet
crisanto almario
what is pamet
philippine association of medical technologists
when is pamet born
september 15, 1963
when was the 1st national convention held
september 20, 1964
resgistration number of pamet
reg. no. 39570
who is the president during the registration of pamet?
nardito d. moraleta
where is pamet registered?
securites and exchange commission
martial law declaration: medtech week
spetember 21, 1972
who declared that the 3rd week of september is the medtech week?
ferdinand marcos, sr
4 regions under pamet
north luzon
south luzon
3 international affiliates of pamet
eastern region middle east
western region middle east
PAMET is a national body with 46ProvincialChapterNationwide divided into 4Regions
pamet national office
Unit 1720 17/F, Cityland 10 tower 2, 6817 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
what are the pamet symbol?
letters and green
snake and microscope
Circle - Symbolizes the continuousinvolvement where practice and education must always be integrated
Triangle – Trilogy of Love, Respect and Integrity
Letters & Green
Color health
Microscope & Snake – Symbolize the science of MedicalTechnologyProfession
1st pametelection
charlemagne tamondong: state
emergence of the profession
charlemagne tamondong: year
He succeeded in working for the Bill (House Bill No. 7682) for the Medical Technologists in the country through the help of the Congressman Jose Moreno and Congresswoman Magnolia Antonio
charlemagne t. tamondong
Charlemagne T. Tamondong: He succeeded in working for the Bill (House Bill No. 7682) for the Medical Technologists in the country through the help of the CongressmanJoseMoreno and CongresswomanMagnoliaAntonio
He worked for the building and recognition of PAMET for public acceptance and for its good social standing
charlemagne t. tamondong
CT: He worked for the building and recognition of PAMET for publicacceptance and for its good social standing
nardito d. moraleta: saying
professional recognition
NM: senate bill no. ____
medical technology act of 1969: approved on
june 21, 1969
IAMLT in europe
international association of medical laboratory technologists