When receptors detect a stimulus they send electrical impulses along sensory neurones to the CNS, which then sends electrical impulses through a motor neurone to the effector
Hormones are chemical messengers sent in the blood all around the body but only affect certain parts
Neurotransmitters stimulate the neuron to send electrical impulses along its axon
Adrenaline is produced in the adrenal glands, and readies the body for a fight or flight response by increasing heart and breathing rate
Insulin is produced in the pancreas, and lowers blood glucose levels by having muscles and the liver take in excess glucose and converting it into glycogen for storage
Testosterone is produced in the testes, and is the primary sex hormone in males, causing the development of male reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics
Progesterone is produced in the ovaries, and maintains pregnancy by maintaining the uterus lining to cushion the growing foetus
Oestrogen is produced in the ovaries and is the main sex hormone in females, causing the regulation of the menstrual cycle and secondary sexual characteristics