enhance GABA (neurotransmitter which reduces arousal). BZ react with GABA receptors outside the postsynaptic neuron.
opens a channel which increases flow of chloride ions into postsynaptic neuron. chloride ions make it harder to stimulate neuron. effect of slowing down activity and reducing anxiety.
Beta blockers?
reduce activity of sympathetic nervous system. bind to beta receptor in cells in heart, reduces impact of adrenaline and noradrenaline. results in decreased heart rate, breathing and blood pressure
effective and require minimal effort when compared to psychological treatments.
Kahn et al (186)?
found BZ were more effective at reducing stress than placebo
Lock wood (1989)?
found that musicians who take beta blockers and feel calmer and were rated as better performers.
Side effects?
BZ can cause agitation and also cognitive deficits
BZ are highly addictive
Schweizer et al (1991)?
doesn't always treat the psychological element. found that while beta blockers reduced heart rate, participants did not report feeling less stressed.