AO1 and AO2

Cards (15)

  • The Stanford Prison Experiment aimed to investigate how people would behave when placed into different social roles, specifically as either prisoners or guards.
  • Participants were randomly assigned to be either a prisoner or guard
  • Zimbardo was interested in the effects of social roles on behaviour
  • guards wore sunglasses so that they couldn't see their eyes which dehumanized them
  • prisoners started to rebel
  • it ended early due to ethical issues
  • people wanted to leave as they were mentally effected
  • they put an add in the newspaper for people to apply to participate
  • participants were vetted before they took part
  • when they were taken into the experiment they were kidnapped which they weren't told in the beginning of the experiment
  • guards quickly took to their roles and humiliated prisoners and made them carry out degrading acts
  • the prisoners become submissive and a lot showed mental distress
  • prisoners started to refer to themselves as their numbers
  • participants showed identification (NSI) as they changed their public behaviour and private beliefs during the experiment but was a short-term change
  • experiment shows that individuals will conform readily to the role given to them even if that role over-rides their moral belief about their behaviour