sucession crisis

Cards (22)

  • what was the succession crisis?
    -struggle for throne of England between 4 men after Edward confessors death
  • when did Edward the confessor die?
    5th January 1066
  • who were the claimants for the throne after Edwards death?
    -Harold Godwinson
    -Edgar Atheling
    -Harold Hardrada
    -William duke of Normandy
  • what was Williams claim to the throne?
    -agreement with Edward that he would inherit throne in 1051 if Edward died childless
  • Edgar Athelings claim to throne
    -great nephew of Edward so blood relative
    -child when Edward died so unlikely Edward saw him as next king
  • what was Harold Hardrada's claim to the throne?
    His dad was promised the throne but missed the opportunity as he was defending Normandy (1042). Felt that through this he deserved it.
  • what was Harold Godwinson's claim to the throne?
    Appointed successor by the King on his deathbed
  • who did Harold Godwinson have support from?
    -wanted strong military leader
  • who did William have support from?
    -claimed Harold Godwinson had sworn support during Norman embassy in 1064
  • who did Harold Hardrada have support from ?
    Tostig Godwinson ,Harold's brother
  • what were the strengths of Harald Hardrada's claim to the throne?
    -succeeded to Norwegian throne when his father died so felt Magnus agreement with Harthacnut extended to him
    -England had been ruler by Vikings from 1016-1042
  • what were the weaknesses of Harald Hardrada's claim to the throne?
    -agreement between magnus and harthcnut had been between two kings and did not extend to successors
    -Harald had no other ties to England
    -most people in England did not want Viking king other than Anglo Danes
  • how many ships and soldiers did Harold Hardrada have in 1066?
    300 ships
    10,000 soldiers
  • when did Harald Hardrada lead a Viking invasion to England?
    -September 1066
  • what were the strengths of Edgar Athelings claim to the throne?
    -Edwards closest blood relative
    -Had been brought up by Edward
  • what were the weaknesses of Edgars claim to the throne?
    -no military experience or wealth
    -no law that said throne should go to closest male relative
    -only 15 in 1066 so witan though him to young to lead England
  • what was the significance of Harold Godwinson's visit to Normandy?
    -showed how close UK and Normandy were which boosted Williams claim to throne
    -allowed Normans to claim that Harold was a oath breaker when he took the throne after Edwards death
    -demonstrated how much Edward trusted and relied on Harold
  • what were the strengths of Harold's claim to the throne?
    -had support of thegns earls and witan of England which gave him large support from military
    -had been nominated as successor by king on deathbed with witnesses
  • what were weaknesses of Harold's claim to throne?
    -Wasn't related to king by blood
    -William challenged his claim that Edward wanted him to be king
  • why was Harold Godwinson crowned king after Edwards death?
    -moved fast and seized opportunity
    -witan agreed
  • what challenges did Harold Godwinson face as king?
    -William reported to be building invasion fleet
    -Tostig was in Europe hating Harold and looking for allies
    -other English earls might not agree with choice especially those in Mercia which were Wessex's rival
  • what did Harold Godwinson do after coronation?
    -married sister of the earls Edwin and morcar to strengthen his position
    -gathered large army on south coast to guard against a Norman invasion
    -travelled to north to ensure support of Northumbria members of witan so the north would remain loyal