Bio Feedback

Cards (8)

  • Biofeedback aims?
    make involuntary processes voluntary, normally unaware of our blood pressure and heart rate, biofeedback gives this awareness.
  • stage 1?

    client taught relaxation techniques
  • stage 2?

    client is attached to a machine that monitors biologicals process such as blood pressure
  • stage 3?

    client uses their relaxation techniques to alter their biology.
  • stage 4?

    The client sees that they are controlling involuntary processes and finds this positively reinforcing.
  • stage 5?

    the client uses the relaxation techniques in the real world, knowing that they have a positive impact.
  • Lewis et al (2015)?

    biofeedback in the military personnel lead to decreased heart rate. important application,
  • weakness?
    requires expensive equipment, reflected in price of therapy.