Life Changes

Cards (10)

  • Life Changes?
    large (rare) events that require significant adjustment. they can be positive or negative.
  • Holmes and Rahe?
    listed 43 life changes in order of adjustment required LCU (life change units). the scale used is SSRS (social readjustment rating scale)
  • SRRS?
    created a list of stressful events and asked 400 people to rate them and took an average score for each event and the SSRS is formed
  • weakness?
    individual differences not accounted for, retrospective recall, cause and effect, doesn't account for daily hassles. sample group only adults
  • Rahe (1972)?

    looked at LCU scores for the previous year, and then the health of participants for the following year.
  • Rahe (1972) Findings?
    LCU scores under 150 had reasonable health. 50% of those with LCU scores of 150-300 had illness the next year. 80% of LCU score over 300 had illness next year
  • Rahe et al (1970)?
    2700 US Navy men were given a LCU score. they were then given an illness score based on illnesses whilst on tour.
  • Rahe et al (1970) Findings?
    a positive correlation of 0.118 was found between LCU score and illness. LCU lead to illness.
  • Lietzen et al (2011) ?

    those who experienced significant life changes were ore likely to develop asthmas.
  • weakness?
    positive stressor are less likely to lead to illness. Turner and Wheaton (1995) found that undesirable life events causes more stress.