our stress comes from daily hassles rather than life changes. DAILY UPLIFTS- minor positive experiences that can balances the effects of daily hassles.
minor stressors can build up over time, leading to more serious stress reactions such as depression,anxiety or illness
chronic stress due to major life changes amplifies the effect of daily hassles
Kanner et al (1984)?
100 ppts used (45-64yrs) both women and men. completed hassles scale every month for 9. a scale to measure life changes 1 month before the study and 10 months after.
Kanner et al (1984) Findings?
a positive correlation b/w hassles experienced and the severity of anxiety & depression. hassles were a better predictor of anxiety & depression than life changes.
Flett et al (1995)?
asked 320 students to read a scenario of a person experiencing hassles or life changes. The research might show life changes to be less of a predictor of stress.