Workplace stress

Cards (6)

  • Workplace stress?
    significant source of stress costing the UK £3.6 Billion annually.
  • Karasek (1979)?
    a high level of demand can cause stress but a high level of control can buffer against his. most stressful jobs: high demand and low control
  • Whitehall (1997)?
    prospective study, 10,000 civil servants, questionnaire assessed work and control, assessed for CHD and follow up after 1 1 years.
  • Whitehall (1997) Findings?
    no correlation b/w workload and illness. those who reported low control more likely to have CHD 5 yrs later.
  • Johansson et al 91978)?
    natural experiment in a Swedish sawmill. compared finishers (low control, high demand) with cleaner (high control, low demand)
  • Johansson et al (1978) Findings?
    higher levels of stress hormones in finishers. Finishers had more absences and illnesses.