The poem 'On Her Blindness' takes an Elegy Form, as it grieves the death of the speaker's mother and reflects on his love of her
The poem 'On Her Blindness' takes an Elegy Form, this could represent the idea of passing of time, and evoke a poignant reminder of the inevitability of death
The poem 'On Her Blindness' takes a Ghazal Form, which usually describes topics of the spiritual and romantic
The poem 'On Her Blindness' takes a Ghazal Form, this could represent that even though the mother died, her spirit lives on and the speaker & his mother are still interconnected
The poem 'On Her Blindness' takes a Ghazal Form, this reflects the importance of the mother and the love of the speaker for his mother
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in Dramatic Monologue, this allows the reader to grasp the inner turmoil felt by the mother and her condition
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in Free Verse, this creates an unsettling effect, since there is no sense of predictability/familiarity in this poem
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in Free Verse, this aligns with the speaker' tone as his voice sounds conversational and everyday, as if he's confiding in the reader
The poem 'On Her Blindness' takes a Ghazal Form, which often embraces topics such as Spiritual Topics, this exhibits a quasi-religious element (not fully aligned with tradition) and suggests that her spirit is watching on from the Afterlife
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in Free Verse, this exhibits an Autobiographical Element to signify the importance of the mother on the speaker's life