The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22 Couplets, this could represent the mother'seyes
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22 Couplets, this could represent the duality of the mother and her son
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22 Couplets, this makes the poem fast-paced to add emotional turmoil to the poem
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22 Couplets, this makes the poem more ordered, and parallels the idea of pretence & fabrication of the poem (trying to present a brave face)
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22 Couplets, these couplets could also symbolise how she always pretended her vision was fully functional and it was only with death that she could no longer 'pretend' (one line stanzas)
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22Couplets, creates a fast-paced nature to demonstrate the brisk nature of life
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22 Couplets, this gives a clear visual quality, which is ironic as the poem meditates the idea of Blindness
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22 Couplets, this could mimic the ideas of Braille
The poem 'On Her Blindness' often uses Enjambment, to demonstrate the emotionaldistance between the mother and the son
The poem 'On Her Blindness' often uses Enjambment, the spaces between the lines is a metaphor for the literaldivision between them
The poem 'On Her Blindness' often uses Enjambment, this could be interpreted as making it feel more like a natural conversation or speech, giving the poem a more informal & conversationaltone
The poem 'On Her Blindness' often uses Enjambment, this creates a quick pace, this could parallel the excessive memories flowing back to the speaker whilst speaking about his mother (stream of consciousness)
The poem 'On Her Blindness' often uses Enjambment, this creates White Space, this could parallel the true reality of Blindness and put the reader into the mother's perspective
The poem 'On Her Blindness' is written in 22 Couplets, this could parallel a certain duality, the idea of Life & Death
The poem 'On Her Blindness' often uses Enjambment, this represents the rapid deterioration of the mother and how her disability so greatly affected her